Thursday, March 20, 2008

Random Socialising from February 2008 onwards...

Izzy with his nini's at Holiday Lodge. We were celebrating our brother in law's bday... this is from feb 10th, a little bitch old but sho wut...Cracks me up, this picture.... its a classic, innit. Izzy in a tigger outfit with his nini's....they adore him, its a very special thing. Still, cracks me up. Now this is Armand. He was born on same date as Irham. So he is about 4 days older, i do believe, than Izzy. This is Rahmans wife and child.. remember Rahman - used to hang out with Shukrey. He is eurasian... now works at Empire. Sure you remember him.. Armand has the softest biggest hair. Its like ice cream. He is so lovely... He is also one quarter white...
Now this is your handsome father with Izzy and Aiman about 2 weeks after Izzy was born. Can you see Izzy in his golfing outfit.. check out the shoes....

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